About us
About us
Andermotion Technologies LLC was founded in 2000 as a partnership between Ingvar Andermo and Micro Encoder Inc. specifically to provide custom encoder design and components for the OEM market outside of the field of dimensional metrology. In 2009, Sollergren Consulting, Sweden, with its main owner PG Andermo, acquired Micro Encoder Inc. shares in the company Andermotion.
AnderMotion is located in Seattle, WA, in the center of the Northwest's High Tech Corridor.
We have established a relation to the leaders in software, hardware and IC fabrication that makes it possible to provide short lead times in custom encoder and interface circuit development.
We are not looking for any new projects.
Please contact our partner Same Sky Devices using our technology in their extended portfolio of rotational encoders.
Ingvar Andermo
Ingvar Andermo, inventor and scientist, has a long experience in developing capacitive and inductive encoders. In the early 80's he invented and led the design of sensors and electronics for the JOCAL Caliper, the world's first Digital caliper. In 1986 he founded the R&D company Micro Encoder Inc. for Mitutoyo Corporation, with the specific purpose of continued development of the encoder technology for use in the field of dimensional metrology. An important improvement of the technology was Ingvar Andermo's invention of the Absolute Capacitive system technology that is used in millions of measuring tools throughout the world today. For the latest version of the caliper, with inductive ABS encoder, Ingvar has contributed in major patents. After retiring from Micro Encoder in 2000 Ingvar founded AnderMotion Technologies LLC, in partnership with Micro Encoder Inc.
PG Andermo
PG Andermo has more than 30 years experience in the electronic industry. He has been involved in development and project management for major projects in the telecommunication industry, spanning from hands on development to major system specification work to advanced IC projects for wireless equipment. Lately he was management consultant as project manager for a low power consumption WLAN circuit for mobile phones. He has done a key contribution to a new capacitive encoder ASIC for AnderMotion with potential for extreme low power consumption. His combination of technical, analytical and project management skills is a valuable asset for AnderMotion.